Hello! This is Ravin!
CS Undergrad and Aspiring AI Engineer
Ravin D is an undergraduate student at VIT University, currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering. As a final-year student, he specializes in Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing and Django Web Development. With a strong passion for research and open-source development, he is dedicated to exploring cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to address real-world challenges. He has presented his AI research in the field of exoplanets at prestigious international conferences, earning recognition from esteemed scientists at ISRO, NASA, and DLR. He has also showcased his work on AI for detecting mitochondrial diseases at the NCBS Campus, receiving acclaim from leading healthcare leaders and doctors. Additionally, he is a collaborator in the NASA Exoplanet Watch Citizen Science Project, where he has made meaningful contributions. His enthusiasm for technology extends beyond the classroom, as he actively seeks opportunities to contribute to ongoing research and open-source projects. By leveraging his expertise, he aspires to make significant contributions to the field of AI and its applications. He is committed to using his research-oriented mindset to drive innovation and address pressing issues within the tech community.